Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cooking Tips For fluffier rice and Delicious

Fluffier rice is tasty and can be obtained from good quality rice. However, if it turns out the rice that we buy only quality being or even pera, we still could manage to taste more delicious rice.
Tips on cooking rice fluffier and tastier the first is to include 2-3 pandan leaves when cooking rice. Pandan leaves will make the rice become more fragrant aroma and no stale fast. So that the rice was not too mushy, use water sparingly. But for rice pera, you can add 2 times the water of which is usually required for cooking rice fluffier. In order rice pera not easy being yellow, sprinkle the cooked rice with a little lime juice.
If the rice is still less fluffier pera, you can mecampurkan powdered gelatin into white rice will be cooked by comparison ½ packet of jelly for a quart of rice. And for those of you who like to cook rice with magic com, should immediately unplug the cable after the rice is cooked. Then, open magic com and let the steam come out until the end. You can also shut down magic com with a white napkin to keep the rice does not quickly turn yellow, watery, and stale. Actually, in addition to tips on cooking rice fluffier and tastier above, when buying rice you can take several steps in order not one chose rice pera.
First, buy the seller that we already know. Usually there are also sellers of rice fluffier rice mixes naughty with rice pera. To avoid this, identify the characteristics of a good rice. Rice is good and still new, usually pure white, long shape, not broken, and smells wonderful.
If you are still in doubt choose plain rice, you can switch to brown rice. Now there are many people who like the brown rice for reasons of quality and health benefits. Brown rice contains fiber and nutrients are much higher than regular white rice. People who often experience difficult bowel and those who are highly advised to consume a diet of brown rice this. All you need to do to cook brown rice fluffier and tastier almost the same as how to cook white rice. Enter enough water to brown rice is not too pera. Brown rice would be very fitting side dish served with vegetables and healthy benefits for the body to be more so. With tips on cooking rice is fluffier and tastier, now you do not need to be annoyed again with hard and easy rice casserole.

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