Sunday, August 31, 2014

Factors causing perishable and yellow rice on the magic jar

1 power supply
Typically, the nominal voltage at the outlet is 220 V. However, the power peak load conditions that usually occur at night or during a power supply interruption, the voltage may drop to 180 V, even lower. Because magic com heater is designed to work optimally at 220 V, the heater is not able to produce enough heat if only given intake of 180 V or less. As a result, the temperature was warmed rice did not reach the optimum range of 75-80 ° C until the rice tends to be mushy, even stale. Conversely, if the voltage is only slightly reduced from 220 V (eg, 200 V), the heater is able to achieve the optimum range of 75-80 ° C. If the voltage is 220 V heater magic com only briefly in the ON position, the voltage is 200 V, the heater should be lit much longer to reach the maximum temperature. Because the longer lit, rice contained in the edges in direct contact with the jar tends to be dry and yellow.

2 Factor products
Jar layer affect the shelf life of rice. Jar nonstick coated metal (teflon) relatively large porous so it absorbs odors. Although rice is actually not stale, stale odors caused by contaminated rice that is already attached to the odor persists. Jar made ​​from stainless steel is a good choice in terms of the nature of the smell does not save. Stainless steel heat propagation is different with Teflon-coated aluminum jar. Sticky rice easier to stainless steel jar until relatively more difficult to clean than using a Teflon jar. Sometimes, there are rice accidentally go into the steam outlet drain holes clog the steam thus inhibiting circulation of air from the inside out magic com. Most of the water vapor that is supposed to come out even restrained and condenses on the inside of the upper lid magic com. Nutrient-rich water vapor is very liked by bacteria and other microbes in the air. As a result, rice tends to stale quickly due to bacterial contamination of this section.

Clean the steam outlet at least once a month. Steam outlet is always clean to function so it does not become a place of optimum nesting spoilage bacteria.

3 types of rice
Typically, rice is cooked with rice fluffier magic com is a community that is preferred because it is soft and good to eat. Fluffier rice tends to be more watery so quickly stale and smells. In contrast, rice pera tend to dry quickly if kept long in magic com teralu. So, it must be the right mix of water to rice quality in magic com remained well during storage.
It could be used instead of rice rice rice fluffier or pure pera. There is a mix of rice plant rice ugly bleached with chlorine aka bleach textiles or benzoyl peroxide as an oxidant. Rice mixture of chlorinated inlah that causes the quality of rice in the magic com dropped dramatically.

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