Sunday, August 31, 2014

Quick Rice Casserole Causes Wear when Cooked Rice Cooker

COOK rice, most unpleasant if perishable. As a result, rice is often thrown away, unwittingly causing downsize you away from the action.

Cooking rice is now easier and faster with electrical equipment, such as magic com and rice cooker. Because of convenience, there are still many people who then mistakenly use it.

At first glance it's easy to cook rice, but when put into practice, the results can be not optimal, rice so much wasted. When opened, the rice was so runny.
The first factor is as rice is cooked too little. The reason might want to rice is not much wasted, but it quickly stale.

The rice cooker to cook rice is no maximum limit. When quite a bit, then the elements in it will continue to make rice termasak long enough. Automatic, durability rice no longer exists. Rice so watery, and when too much then the rice does not have good air space.

The next factor is the rice warm for too long. Rice cooker does use electric power, when the rice is in it is not used, then it is better rested.

Rice was the lifeless nature, when it is heated continuously so overcooked rice.

Then, notice the cover. Do not let the outside air get into because it will make a quick rice casserole.

When you do not want to take the rice, then cover the rice cooker with rice termasak meeting so well. Outside air into the rice will make the rice quickly broken.

Lastly, if you want your rice durable, give additional other foodstuffs. You can give lemon juice or lime juice.

Lemons have natural acid levels. Acid levels is able to protect the rice from the heat arising from the element rice cooker, automatic rice so durable. While the extent of pandan leaves give fragrant aroma.

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